[frame src=”http://www.tedzy.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/eagle-nebula.jpg” width=”80″ height=”80″ align=”right” style=”2″ linkstyle=”pp” linksto=”http://www.tedzy.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/eagle-nebula.jpg” title=”Eagle Nebula”]Eagle Nebula is one of the most watched nebula by all the astronomers. Eagle is an open cluster and called to be a young Nebula too. Few main names of Eagle are M16 (Messier 16) and Star Queen Nebula. Eagle’s distance from Earth is around 7000 light years.

The cluster associated with the nebula has approximately 460 stars, the brightest of spectral class “O”, a mass of roughly 80 solar masses, and a luminosity up to 1-million times that of the Sun. Its age has been estimated to be 1-2 million years only.

Basically, the Eagle Nebula is a region of our galaxy where stars are currently forming out of dusty hydrogen gas. Ultraviolet light from newly-formed stars in the vicinity of the nebula is pumping energy into these gas clouds, causing them to glow in visible light.

In the upside image, the blue-green haze indicates light from hydrogen and oxygen surrounding the dark columns. The columns display reddish highlights identifying light from sulfur.

In 1995, the world was astounded by the beautiful Hubble Space Telescope images of the Eagle Nebula, a cloud of interstellar gas and dust 7,000 light-years from Earth.